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I'm Afraid Of My Wife Dying During Delivery : Useful Links


There's Charles Johnson, the father of two whose wife died in Los Angeles during childbirth in 2016. He has turned his anger into advocacy.


My wife was pregnant again after she and my son nearly died in childbirth due to a placental abruption. We had a tough decision to make.


1 Maternal death can happen while a woman is pregnant, during labor and delivery, or in the 42 days after childbirth or the termination of pregnancy. Track Your ...


"I knew having an induced labor as your first birth had a much greater chance of labor


The death of Lauren Bloomstein, a neonatal nurse, in the hospital where she worked


Far too many women in the U.S. die during and after childbirth.


Giving birth can be one of the most painful experiences in a woman's life, yet the ... “Women with trauma may feel fear, helplessness or horror about their


I knew many young mothers and no one talked about this kind of trauma. Had my mind been damaged by the delivery? I'd never felt so scared ...


Childbirth experts say that fear of labor is on the rise as women delay

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