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I'm Tracking With You : Useful Links


This is what I say when I mean I completely understand what you are saying and you can move on. But people tease


In any event, the sailor also mentioned that he's sick of hearing ” You tracking?” from individuals who want to know whether not the person ...


"I'm tracking you" means I'm keeping an eye on you. As in she's watching where he's going, what he's doing etc. See a translation.


Telling someone you understand what they are saying to you. Synonym: I'm picking up what you're putting down.


track with is a fairly recent locution, and in the contexts I've heard it used in, it has meant "to fit or comport with, to jibe or accord with". How does ...


I've never agreed to this, but Facebook could still be keeping track. So even if you decide you need to join Facebook, remember that you might be ...


Asked how I'm dealing with the pandemic, I rarely admit this truth. That my coping mechanism for things I can't control is to count. To track. To ...


You should generally assume "yes." Andrew Stewart avatar. Written by Andrew Stewart Updated over a week ago. Streak won ...

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