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I M Just A Labor And Delivery Nurse : Useful Links


"I am just a nurse. A Labor and Delivery nurse. Sounds like fun, doesn't it? Well... I am just the nurse who was there during the birth of your child....


One Local Labor and Delivery nurse has responded with an open letter entitled I' m Just Nurse. I dare you to get through even the first four lines ...


"I am just a nurse. A Labor and Delivery nurse," the post begins. But then it goes on to explain why these often-neglected key players in birth ...


I am currently in nursing school with a year left to go!! When I entered school, I though I wanted to be an L&D nurse then, I was introduced to cardiac nursing and ...


I am planning to finally finish school this year. I always desired to become an l&d nurse. It must be a fascinating career to be a part of the miracle of birth almost ...


L&D nurses work with just a few patients per day, monitoring their progress, and handling whatever new development comes there way. After birth, they continue to ...


After almost a year of being a L&D nurse I am beginning to feel


Labor and delivery nurse Caty Nixon went viral after her twin sister, Laura McIntyre, posted a photo of


I've never had a midwife or a doula, and we've done just fine. After reading this post, I'm feeling very blessed and wondering if we're in the minority?!


I am constantly learning. It's okay that I don't know everything. (This has been hard for me.) Due to a huge turnover of staff, we ...

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