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In Order To Make Sure That I'm Understanding This Correctly : Useful Links


do you mean "once daily"? – horatio Mar 17 '11 at 17:39 · @horatio trains to London are just an example, I'm asking about phrases synonymous to Do I understand ...


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Here are five ways you can phrase a confirmation question: “Let me say back to you what I think you just said, so that I can be sure I understood you correctly…” “  ...


the country, he was able to pay her bills and handle her Medicare questions right away.


You might add, cut, move, or change information in order to make your ideas clearer,


called placeid and I need to make another request with placeid in order to get ...


Now that I'm an elementary school teacher, I have fewer to write, and I try to send ... when you check for understanding: The student's responses might be correct ...

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