total strain range for Mar-M-200 monocrystals fatigue-tested at room temperature.
In order to prepare samples with different dislocation densities to perform
These precipitates restrict dislocation motion and reduce creep.
M. Mhadhbi,1 M. Khitouni,1 L. Escoda,2 J. J. Suñol,2 and M. Dammak1
How can I calculate the dislocation densities of the metal alloys after plastic ... Most recent answer. 18th Mar, 2019. Abeens .M. Anna University, Chennai
arXiv:1003.3549v1 [cond-mat.mtrl-sci] 18 Mar 2010. On the fundamentals of
For example, it can reach 10^16 m^-2 for very high strain rate in molecular dynamics, of the order of 10^8-10^9 s-1.
cally necessary dislocation density gives rise to an internal stress field that can either inhibit or accentuate
(1961). The determination of dislocation densities in thin films. The Philosophical Magazine: A Journal of Theoretical Experimental and Applied Physics: Vol.
A linear relationship between mobile dislocation density and creep