Question: Effect Of Time Constant EX Write An M-file To Plot The Step Responses Of The Three First-order Systems With Different Time Constants (τ-1, 2,5).
We can deduce from plots of the free or step responses of a first- order system.
You are writing a small program to calculate and plot the system response of a first-order system for a variety of initial conditions and time- constants.
From the plot we see that when 1 Volt is applied to the system the motor can only achieve a
M-file to run Simulink file clear; y0 = -3; tau = 2;. A = 4; sim('first_order',[0 20]); plot (time,yout) title('Step response of first-order system with IC = -3') xlabel('Time (s)').
where rm is the resistance across the membrane and cm is the capacitance of ...
If you right-click on the step response graph and select ...
variables and obtain the state and output equations.
I. Defining an ODE function in an M-file. II. Solving first-order ODEs. III. Solving systems
For the first order approximation, we can try, for example: td=3; %Use a M-file to ...