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Executive Order 13096 American Indian And Alaska Native Education : Useful Links


Tribal Council; and John Yellow Bird Steele, president, Oglala Sioux. Executive Order 13096—American. Indian and Alaska Native Education.


improve the academic performance of American Indian and Alaska Native students via ...


Executive Order 13096. American Indian and Alaska Native Education. By the authority vested in me as President by the Constitution and the laws of the United .


Tuesday, August 11, 1998. Title 3—. The President. Executive Order 13096 of August 6, 1998. American Indian and Alaska Native Education. By the authority ...


Executive Order 13336: American Indian and Alaska Native Education (5/5/04) · Executive Order 13096: American Indian and Alaska Native Education (8/6/98) ...


Executive Order 13592 -- Improving American Indian and Alaska Native Educational Opportunities and Strengthening Tribal Colleges and ...


13096 - American Indian and Alaska Native Education, 63 Fed. Reg. 4268 August 6, 1998. Executive Order No. 13084 - Consultation and Coordination with Indian ...


On December 2, 2011 President Obama signed Executive Order 13592, Improving American Indian and Alaska Native Educational Opportunities and ...


1998 Executive Order on American Indian and Alaska Native Education - Executive Order #13096 · Regional Partnership Forum Report - July, 2002.

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