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Native Holly Leaf Miner Order : Useful Links


One species is the native holly leafminer that only feeds on the foliage of American holly, Ilex opaca, and its cultivars. Other leafminers of plants in ...


The native holly leafminer, Phytomyza ilicicola, is a common pest of American holly. The holly leafminer, P. ilicis, feeds only on English hollies. The adult of both is ...


Phytomyza ilicis, the holly leaf miner, is a leaf mining fly in the family Agromyzidae, whose larvae burrow into leaves of the holly tree (Ilex aquifolium) leaving ...


In order for discrimination to influence density, adult Phytomyza must be sufficiently vagile to move among habitats and to encounter many hosts. We ...


Damage to holly leaf caused by leafminers. Key Points. There are over twenty species of holly native to the United States. Most of these species are limited to the ...


Peeling back the leaf surface reveals the tiny yellow holly leaf miner larva feeding in the gallery below. What strange hibernal surprise was this?


Native Holly Leafminer Phytomyza ilicicolaLoew, Agromyzidae, DIPTERA. DESCRIPTION. Adult -The adult is a small (2.5-mm), black and gray fly. The first two ...


These were no ordinary maggots, like houseflies or blowflies. These were the larvae of the native holly leafminer.


The native holly leafminer, Phytomyza ilicicola, only feeds on the foliage of American holly and its cultivars likely including Foster's holly. The holly ...


Relationships: Although this is called Native Holly Leafminer, there are several leaf-mining flies on hollies. This species also mines cultivated hollies. (Charley ...

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