Is it possible to get the current scroll position, or the current page of a
How do I track my page views and button clicks? Automatic tracking of pages and features is currently not supported for React Native apps, due to ...
You need to get the offset of the content and you can do it with adding the following prop the the ScrollView: onMomentumScrollEnd={event ...
As a React Native developer, you're going to come across use cases that
Want to learn React Native from the ground up? This article
Analytics for React Native makes it easy to send your data to any
Familiarity with setting up your environment to create a new React Native
It renders an that lets you enter the temperature, and keeps its value in this.state.temperature . Additionally, it renders the BoilingVerdict for the current ...
Learn how to plan, design, create and publish a React Native app to the Google Play Store.
For these reasons, we decided to use react-native-track-player.