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Fi Pet Tracking Collar : Useful Links


The next generation of smart dog collars: GPS location and activity tracking, the world's first collar on LTE with up to 3 months battery life.


Fi's dog collars are designed and marketed as fitness trackers for your


Fi uses three constellations of satellites to maximize the tracking speed and accuracy of the Fi Collar. GPS accuracy can get as accurate as 7ft radius in open sky.


Like most dog trackers, the initial outlay of money—$149—isn't all there is to it, as you need a GPS Plan for location tracking and data storage. It ...


The Fi collar is extremely resistant to damage caused by outside influences so if you own multiple pets, they will not be able to chew through each other's collars.


Fi Smart Dog Collar. The Fi Smart Dog Collar tracks your pet's activity and location while offering unbeatable battery ...


I had a terrible customer service experience after my dog was hit by a car on a nearby highway and killed while wearing a Fi collar. The collar was ...


The Fi Dog Collar is a GPS smart collar for your dog, which uses a combination of Wi-Fi and GPS to track your dog's location, as well as ...

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