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Pet Tracker Chips : Useful Links


Unlike ID chips, GPS tracking devices are used for tracking your dog's location in real-time rather than providing a simple solution to identify ...


Microchips only work in cases where a dog who has been micro-chipped is lost and then found and brought into a vet. Vets can identify the owner ...


Pet microchips are not tracking devices. They are radio-frequency identification ( RFID) implants that provide permanent ID for your pet. Because they use RFID ...


Microchips are tiny radio frequency identifying devices (roughly the size of a grain of rice). A microchip is implanted under your pets skin and ...


A microchip is a radio-frequency identification (RFID) implant that a vet inserts under your pet's skin. This chip contains a unique identification ...


While it's hard to wait for news about your lost pet, microchips must be scanned in order for you to be reunited with your pet. If your pet is taken to a vet or shelter, ...


It uses radio frequency identification (RFID) technology, unlike GPS trackers. Pet microchips contain all information about the animal, including ...


Microchips work when your lost pet is found by a good samaritan and brought to the vet who has a scanner to read the ID. If all goes well, the vet ...

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