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When Did Lost Pet Tracking Technology Begin : Useful Links


How long do microchips last? Microchips are designed to work for 25 years. Where can I get my pet microchipped? Many veterinarians and some animal shelters ...


It has better accuracy than standard GPS. While GPS will pinpoint your dog within a 30-foot range, WAAS will do so within a 10-foot range. WAAS- ...


Location tracker makers Pebblebee keep finding ways to help you find your stuff. The Issaquah, Wash.-based creators of the Finder and BlackCard devices…


SATX Technologies was founded in 2014 and specializes in high-tech gadgetry and magnetic GPS trackers, which are used for many purposes ...


How does one find the best dog tracker in the sea of options available to them?


New veterinarian Answers to the questions you're facing as you start out in your


Do I still need to get a GPS pet tracker for him?” The short and concise answer is “Yes.” While microchipping is a technology that does have its ...


to 86% I started calling here name, heard her bark and was finally able to see her ...


The Huan Tag is an affordable Bluetooth pet tracker designed to help you locate your cat or dog if it goes missing, but ...

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