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In Order To Prevent Tyranny : Useful Links


... war against what they considered a tyrannical government, the men at


Plato thought that democratic “life has neither law nor order.


People often refer to the United States as a democracy, but technically speaking, that's not true. It's a republic. Big deal, you say? If you care ...


There are various ways in which the Constitution seeks to prevent tyranny of the ... so they implemented this system in order to prevent this from taking place.


... will always prevent tyranny. But should tyranny ever triumph, the US Constitution provides a mechanism to restore constitutional order.


Mason distrusted centralized government and believed a Bill of Rights was essential in order to prevent tyranny and protect states' rights and ...


In order to protect against tyranny by either the state or national governments, the Constitution provided for federalism, a system of checks and balances, ...

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