Newbie editors often have their music track overpowering their other tracks.
Editing audio tracks in a video project can be very time-consuming
the selected clips in the timeline and temporarily disables audio playback for all other clips. It's especially useful in audio editing if you have more than one audio clip layered in the
These two editing functions will make your edits more organized and make YOU more efficient
or to match the panning of pre-recorded audio to some visual such as a video. Mixer Track FX master switch - Left-click - Enable/disable all effects for the
Small amounts of medication can sometimes leak backwards through this track and be absorbed into other tissues. Pulling the
After getting access to WeVideo and creating an account, go to your Dashboard to start a new project.
Video cameras, or closed-circuit television (CCTV), are becoming a more and more
Although you can perform some editing functions in the Project panel and
When you make clips on upper video tracks transparent, they reveal clips on the tracks below.