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Prevention Of Mail Delivery Crime : Useful Links


Drug busts or high-speed chases might come to mind when someone mentions law enforcement. The police at the Arkansas Colleges of ...


Some package thieves follow delivery trucks and then take the packages after the delivery is made. Others are crimes of opportunity, when thieves see packages ...


Preventing Crimes. The Postal Inspection Service is one of the few federal law enforcement agencies that promotes crime prevention. An important element of the ...


Instead, give it to the postal delivery person or mail it at the post office for the highest level of security. Shredder: Buy one and use it. No documents should leave ...


Everyday, the letter carrier in your neighborhood delivers the mail to your door: bills, letters ...


Activate timers for light switches, and order a temporary hold to newspaper and mail delivery, or ask a trusted neighbor or friend to pick up items delivered to ...


Crime prevention duties are shared by Postal Inspectors with different.


The bill defines mail as a letter, postal card, package, bag, or any other article or thing


Mail Distribution Center has provided various departments on campus information regarding safe mail-handling procedures, that information is provided below.


Be proactive and consider alternative delivery methods when placing online orders. A growing trend is to have packages delivered to a different ...

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