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Sex Prevention Order : Useful Links


A Sexual Abuse Protective Order (SAPO) is available in certain cases where a person was subjected to unwanted sexual abuse by another person who is not a  ...


The Harassment Prevention Order law, General Laws Chapter 258E, allows victims of criminal harassment, stalking, and sexual assault to get harassment ...


A Sexual Harm Prevention Order (SHPO), previously known as a Sexual Offence Prevention Order (SOPO), is a court order that can be requested by the police ...


In order to make a SHPO, the court must be satisfied that the offender presents a risk of sexual harm to the public (or particular members of the public) and that an  ...


Sexual Risk Orders (SROs) and Sexual Harm Prevention Orders (SHPOs) were introduced by the Anti-Social Behaviour, Crime and Policing Act ...


A Sexual Harm Prevention Order (SHPO) is an order imposed by a Magistrates or Crown Court on an individual who it is considered to pose a ...


A Sexual Violence Protection Order is designed to protect victims of sexual violence from further abuse and/or intimidation by their abuser, regardless of whether ...


A sexual assault protection order is a civil order issued by the court on behalf of a sexual assault victim. The order can require the alleged perpetrator to stay ...


In Massachusetts, you may apply for an abuse prevention order against a current or former same-sex partner as long as the relationship meets ...


An order may, for example, prohibit someone from undertaking certain forms of employment. It may also prohibit the offender from engaging in ...

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