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Tracking Fertility To Prevent Pregnancy : Useful Links


Fertility awareness methods (FAMs) are ways to track your ovulation so you can prevent pregnancy. FAMs are also called "natural family planning” and “the ...


The fertility awareness method (FAM) is a natural family planning strategy that women can use to help prevent pregnancy. It involves tracking your natural cycle  ...


Which is why period tracking apps should not be used to prevent pregnancy. While cycle trackers might give a prediction of the fertile window, ...


Tracking your fertile window is a way to determine your “optimal” time to get pregnant. It can also help prevent pregnancy if you ...


It should not be used as a way to avoid pregnancy.


The number of apps that give women the tools to track their fertility is growing exponentially, and many make grand claims of effectiveness and ...


The Symptothermal Method involves tracking your BBT, CM, and ideally one other fertility cue, cervical position. The position, openness, and ...


Experts share how tracking ovulation, periods and fertility with apps like


It may help some to conceive, but tracking your cycle and ovulation patterns has also been used to avoid pregnancy. Referred to as the rhythm ...


You can use fertility charts to record and track your measurements over the ...

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