I received one of my orders during the VIB sale yesterday.
Mistakes are bound to happen, and this happens every year around this time. They definitely let you keep the items and will reship your correct package ASAP. 72.
the customer service rep I spoke with was nice enough in the beginning and told me I could keep whatever samples was in the wrong order asĀ ...
In my VIB sale haul I received the wrong item in-place of what I ordered;
so sephora pack my package wrong. They sent me somebody else order along with their recipt.
Would they credit me back because it's technically a return or would
a moisturizer you end up hating doesn't feel like a hard hit to your wallet when you can always return it.
I ordered the Sephora skin/hair kit, and they sent me a Foreo Luna
Fill up our webform here and select the issue as 'Missing Item', 'Wrong Item',
getting sent their orders and getting to keep the wrong one because they messed up,