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After Delivery What Happened To Serena Williams : Useful Links


After giving birth in September, Serena Williams was bedridden for six


Williams takes blood thinners every day to prevent clots from forming. After the C- section, though, she stopped taking them to allow the surgical ...


Williams said the pregnancy had gone smoothly before she encountered problems: “First my C-section wound popped open due to the intense ...


While I had a pretty easy pregnancy, my daughter was born by emergency C- section after her heart rate dropped dramatically during contractions.


Serena Williams reveals more about her pregnancy, delivery, and the


Williams explains that the problems started the day after her daughter's birth by Cesarean section, when Williams felt short of breath. Due to her ...


Two rather harrowing months after giving birth, though, Mother has her sea legs —just in time to get those legs back onto the tennis court. From ...


After giving birth, Serena Williams faced life-threatening medical problems. For six weeks, the four-time Olympic gold medalist could not get out ...

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