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Serenity Test Order : Useful Links


Just curious whether there is way to run serenity BDD tests (maven project) in a particular order in command line. e.g. I have three tests ...


When you write acceptance tests this way, the JUnit test mainly orchestrates the order of the steps: ...


That is, tests should be runnable in any given order and the result of a test should not depend on the outcome of one or more previous tests. This is generally a ...


Is there a way where we can control the tests execution order using Serenity Junit Runner? Especially I would like my tests to be executed in ...


Hi, I'm using Serenity+JBehave and I want to skip particular test example. And decision about skipping the example is based on the execution ...


Setting up and tearing down test data. Contents. Setting up data in the Background step; Using the @Before hook; Ordering @Before hook methods; Selectively ...


Test Scenarios within a story or feature file can be reordered/sequenced to achieve the desired testing goal. Story or feature files should test ...


implements high-level capabilities, e.x. order management and membership


In this tutorial, we will create some tests using Serenity along with JUnit

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