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Loki Order Of The Stick : Useful Links


Background. Loki is responsible for Hel's decreased power in World 2.0. During its formation, he convinced Hel to trade her ability to have living clerics for ...


Hilgya Firehelm is a dwarven cleric of Loki who left her ancestral homelands to escape her arranged marriage to her supportive and loving ...


Loki: Hey, uh, Hel, sweetie... what do you think is more important for a god to have, more clerics or more souls? Hel: Souls, obviously. They give ...


Hilgya Firehelm is a dwarf cleric who worshiped Loki. She was one of the original members of the Linear Guild and Durkon Thundershield's evil counterpart.


At the creation she and Thor agreed (with Loki's connivance) that she could have the soul of every dwarf who died without honour. The dwarves ...


The Cleric of Loki was a childhood friend of Old Blind Pete who wished to remain anonymous in case the Greysky City Thieves' Guild ever ended up catching ...


Why did Loki suggest it, and to a lesser degree, what is the actual prize? Like, unless Loki predicted this outcome (that is, the TDO rising and ...


Hel is the Goddess of Death of the Northern Pantheon and is the daughter of Loki , while Thor is...


Order of the Stick - Males: Bandit Executioner, Belkar Bitterleaf, Buggy Lou, Cleric of Loki, Durkon Thundershield, Elan, Enor, Eugene Greenhilt, ...

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