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Order Of The Stick Belkar Dream : Useful Links


Belkar has a fever dream. 1 Cast 2 Transcript 3 D&D Context 4 Trivia 5 External Links Belkar...


As you said, in the OotS-verse, vampires aren't just the mortal turned evil, but they 're evil spirits possessing the corpse. This means that Vamp!


Belkar: Enough to justify this dream not featuring Jessica Biel in a hot tub instead of your decrepit ass. Panel 2. Shojo: Hmmm. Fair enough. I'm ...


Strips 1-99Edit. Belkar: Wait. I think I just failed a Spot check. Haley: Really? I don 't see anything. Belkar: Exactly. Strip 3: See Spot Spot. Elan: Hi, Haley. Look ...


Elan interrupts Belkar's phantasm dream with a Song of Freedom. 1 Cast 2 Transcript 3 D&D...


When your self-reflection is feeling just too EXTREME, Belkar can help warn others.


Belkar slipped into a coma, and in a dream was visited by Shojo (though he may also be a figment of his ...


"I dream of the day when I will learn to stop asking questions for which I will regret ...


As for Belkar's dream... no surprise at all. Poor little misunderstood psycho. :/ SolithKnightGuy.


"Thank you, whoever is up there," Roy muttered from somewhere in the darkness. "Belkar, you don't dream quietly." "I was dreaming about that ...

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