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Order Of The Stick Evil : Useful Links


Xykon - Chaotic Evil Male Lich (formerly Human) Epic Sorcerer. Born 107 years prior to the events of the story, Xykon was a human with a natural talent with ...


Characters / The Order of the Stick: Team Evil.


The paladin is detecting evil on the Order, and Belkar needs to do something. 1 Cast 2...


The comic's central protagonists, known collectively as "The Order of the Stick," are a party of adventurers who are questing to destroy an evil lich that is planning  ...


Led by Xykon the lich, the self-described "Team Evil" plays the role of the primary antagonists to the Order of the Stick. They are ...


Order Of The Stick: Degrees Of Good And Evil · Lawful Good, Roy: A dedication not just to creating Goodness, but in perpetuating it for as long as ...


Strips 400-499Edit · Shojo : Look, O-Chul, I have two tasks that need to be completed. · Miko : You would stand between me and this evil murderer? · Roy : He's ...


But beware, for the evil undead sorceror Xykon awaits you at the bottom of the dungeon, and he has nothing better to do than focus on wiping the floor with your  ...


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