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Order Of The Stick Shojo : Useful Links


Shojo was killed by one of his own paladins, Miko Miyazaki, when she took the law into her own hands, an act which caused the Twelve Gods to strip her of her ...


The Sapphire Guard · Lord Shojo · Miko Miyazaki · Hinjo · O-Chul · Lien · Ho Thanh · Sangwaan · Gin-Jun.


Shojo reveals how he rigged the trial. 1 Cast 2 Transcript 3 D&D Context 4 Trivia 5 External...


Be mindful when sharing personal information, including your religious or political views, health, racial background, country of origin, sexual identity and/or  ...


Shojo becomes Belkar sized and Belkar Shojo sized as Mr. Scruffy circles them. Shojo: We're rather alike, you know. We're both individuals who ...


After the death of Shojo and the fall of Azure City, Belkar took on Mr. Scruffy as his friend and companion, using him in battle against Tsukiko.


Shojo: ...analysis. Panel 8. Shojo dies. Miko looks at her hands while Hinjo rushes forward. D&D Context.


Realizing how psychopathic Belkar was, Roy (the leader of the Order Of The Stick) had Lord Shojo place a Mark Of Justice on his head to prevent him from ...


Shojo: Look Hinjo, I value the paladins and their contribution to this city. Shojo: But you have to understand...in order to do what is best for the ...


Shortly before this, a rogue paladin who turned zealot thought Lord Shojo was working with Xykon, so she assassinated him. For this evil act, the gods stripped her ...

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