The Armoury contains many items for almost every unit for both Chaos and Order. These are grouped into Weapons, Armour (Armor in-game), and Miscellaneous ( ...
into Weapons, Armor (Armor in-game), and Miscellaneous (Misc in-game).
This start is often considered to be the best start for Order, as it provides a balance between a decent army and a decent economy
Customize your Empires items in the armory to personalize your armies. Once the
Crawler that have been armed with metal claws and armor
The multiplayer game “Stick Empires” is a real-time 1v1 strategy game
Miners are simple units, wielding a pickaxe and bag to collect gold to fund armies. And are the only ones in Stick War II and Stick Empires who can pray. Miners have the ability to go and either build a wall (Order) or a turret (Chaos). Miners in chaos are captured ...
New Armory Items! Awesome new items are available in the armory. Go check
One of the greatest signs of a noob.
They can also user control units and cast spells.