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Track Ball Sticking : Useful Links


This may sound a bit funny, but lip balm can also be replaced by rubbing the ball against your forehead once in a while. At least it's easier to apply when the ball ...


Lubricate? the ball sticks when making fine movements.


The lube that we will be using will be DuPont Teflon Non-Stick Lubricant. This lubricant goes on wet, and drys as a thin filament. The application ...


Usually they just need a good cleaning with a q-tip and some alcohol.


Clean a Trackball Mouse: Do you own a mouse like this? have you ever taken out the ball. if you've never cleaned your trackball mouse you might be surprised  ...


I did not find this thread, but had the same issue, I cleaned my trackball and it not longer moved smoothly. I washed it with Palmolive, used ...


MS Trackball Explorer Tip: Trackball mouse getting a bit sticky? Rub your nose or forehead with the finger or thumb you use to control it and ...

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