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What Is Haley Saying In Order Of The Stick : Useful Links


In the webcomic Order of the Stick, the character Haley suffered for a long time from aphasia, resulting in all her dialogue becoming substitution ciphers (the ...


Ian taught Haley not to trust anyone who wasn't family, chastising her when she told a friendly old lady that her mother was dead, believing that telling the truth ...


Haley: Xqrm? Ui! Yiu'm hic yrnp! Belkar: Well, OK, since you didn't say anything... Elan, Haley is actually ...


... how enjoyable this comic is) and came to the part where Haley was 'Broken' by the explosion at the hotel and proceeded to only be able to talk in jibberish.


Greedy and obsessed with treasure, Haley is the second-in- command of the team.


Yeah, she's only saying that that's not her problem, not that she's never had sex. I have just realized how bizarre this is considering Haley is one of two party ...


After Roy is dead, Haley, who becomes the Order's leader, states she'd abandon


Haley Starshine. "I may be in error, but I believe the appropriate proclamation is: " Sneak Attack, bitch"." — Vaarsuvius. "Who cares how many people I have to kill ...

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