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Where Do Ram Sticks Go Order : Useful Links


Which slots you go with will also depend on how many RAM sticks you


I have a pair of DDR3 1333 8 GB RAM sticks as well as a separate pair of DDR3 ... This is the motherboard I'm going to be using. If the order does matter, can someone explain to me why it matters, and what that order is?


All four DIMM slots are on one side of the CPU. Ive tried everything I can think of and yet I cant get them to light up in sequence. Anyone else have ...


What's confusing about what I read is that my slots are actually numbered,


The RAM slots will be color coded to indicate which RAM pairs go together. These pairs are usually 1 & 3 or 2 & 4. Make sure the RAM you install is the same ( ...


I just wanted to see if a 2x4GB ram sticks are going to be compatible with my Inspiron 560. And if so where do I buy them? 0 Kudos. Reply.


1 Answer. 1. order by. active, oldest, votes. Up vote 4 Down vote Accepted. Loading when this answer was accepted… From the page you linked to, go to CPU / ...

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