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Stitches Swelling After Delivery : Useful Links


The underlying stitches in your muscle layer will take longer to heal. These won't completely heal for 12 weeks. For the stitches that you can see, ...


Make a witch hazel compress by sprinkling witch hazel onto a maternity pad and putting it in the freezer. When you take it out, give it a minute, then press it onto ...


Episiotomy stitches will usually heal in the first month or so after the birth of your little one, but be prepared for potential bruising and swelling, both of which are ...


You can expect some discomfort, bleeding, and swelling following delivery


You may place an ice pack against your perineum to ease pain and swelling.


After a vaginal delivery, all moms should expect some pain, soreness, bruising or swelling in the vagina and perineal area; you might feel it especially while sitting  ...


Keep the area cold by using a wrapped ice pack every 1 to 2 hours or so for the first 24 to 48 hours. This decreases the pain and swelling which is ...


The cut is stitched together using dissolvable stitches after the birth.

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