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Vulva Swelling After Delivery : Useful Links


General soreness and swelling around the vagina after birth are a standard part of postpartum recovery—after all, “the area saw a huge increase ...


Other causes of vulvar edema were excluded. The vulvar edema appeared spontaneously after tocolysis and rapidly increased in size, associated with severe ...


Swelling is also common, and dryness may occur because of hormonal changes. Your lady bits will likely return to normal within months, some ...


It's perfectly normal for your labia to be swollen and sore after a vaginal birth. The miraculous process of giving birth does tend to traumatize the tissues in the ...


This is normal, and the swelling and openness should start to reduce a few days after your baby's born. Your vagina probably won't return completely to its pre- ...


Beginning about the second postpartum day, the patients developed unilateral perineal edema and induration which progressed to generalized vulvar, vaginal,  ...


As a result, your labia majora and minora may become swollen, increasing slightly in size for the duration of your pregnancy. The color of your ...


Vulvar varicosities are varicose veins at the outer surface of the female genitalia ( vulva). They occur most often during pregnancy. This is due to the increase in ...


Your perineum is the small area of skin and muscle located between the vagina and the ...


Ice it. To reduce swelling and bring soothing relief, a surgical glove filled with crushed ice or a maxi pad with a built-in cold pack. Apply it to ...

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