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Can I Cancel Tesla Model 3 Order : Useful Links


if you placed a configuration order for the $2500, the $2500 is non-refundable, but what u can do is contact customer service ASAP and see if ...


... a request to customersupport@tesla.com to cancel my model 3 order on


Tesla has quietly raised Model 3 prices, and made a number of tweaks to its ordering and returns process. For example, it now charges $100 non-refundable order fee instead


Can you guys please help with the information that i should be following to convey to Tesla sales team and also about the chances of getting back ...


24% of Tesla Model 3 orders have been canceled, analyst says


I had an order for a new model 3, but had some late changes that I needed to make so I unfortunately had to cancel the order the day before the ...


"3 mths, 14 emails, 6 support tickets and 4 phone calls later, still no refund from @TeslaMotors on cancelled Model 3 order #scam #lawsuit," ...


When this process was settled, Tesla decided not to go forward with it and canceled a 35 Model 3 order by email. It can be seen at around 5 ...

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