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Model 3 Key Fob | Tesla

Learn about the Tesla Model 3 Key Fob. Find out where to purchase your key, replace the battery and how to pair your key to your Model 3.


Order Tesla Model 3 Fob : Useful Links


No hands required. Locking and unlocking your Tesla has never been easier. Keep your key fob in your pocket and simply pull on the door handle for easy entry ...


Model 3 key fob order delay. After the initial offering was sold out I eagerly awaited resupply. The website finally removed 'sold out' and I ...


It is available for order https://shop.tesla.com/product/model-3-key-fob. Description No hands required. Locking and unlocking your Model 3 has ...


For families that have more than one Model 3, the same key fob can be


One of the biggest complaints about the Tesla Model 3 is its key card. Tesla realized the issue and now offers a key fob. However, it costs $150.

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