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Tesla 3 Delivery Estimate Spreadsheet : Useful Links


It means that Tesla is serious about ramping production for the model 3 and it means as a CA non-owner that my delivery time is drawing nigh, ...


Teslanomics - Model 3 Delivery Calculator (same logic as existing excel sheet, but built with Tableau) · 7% reservation holders are Tesla owners ( ...


For those entries, we calculate a delivery date that's 30 days after the configuration date. Currently, the data shows that the average time from ...


USA: I dramatically increased my Model 3 delivery estimate for the US from


I was in line pre-reveal with my reservation placed at 10:30 am EST in Florida. This spreadsheet is guessing that I will take delivery in early April. I ...


If you want to price out your Model 3 in advance of configurating you can checkout my calculator here. Here's the ...


Dashboard, Delivery estimate moved out to March 2021, 19 Dec 2020


Try the model 3 delivery estimator that Troy put together. https://docs.google.com/ spreadsheets/d/ ...


It was time for model delivery google sheets makes a shock at tmc on your my comment. Friendly but my tesla delivery google spreadsheet looks like the browser.

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