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Cybertruck | Tesla

*All configurations are US specification only. Global specifications will be developed at a later date based on demand. CYBERTRUCK. Order Now.
Cybertruck ...

Tesla 3 Order Count : Useful Links


Thought it would slow way down today, but Model 3 order count is now at 198k. Recommend ordering soon, as the wait time is growing rapidly. — ...


The company had a total of 518000 preorders but 455000 net orders at last count .


Twenty-four hours after opening reservations, Tesla had advanced orders for over 180,000 cars. Two days later, Tesla


Thought it would slow way down today, but Model 3 order count is now at 198k. Recommend ordering soon, as the wait time is growing rapidly. — ...


How will Tesla's accountants handle this cash influx in the face of potential cancellations and refunds? Deferred revenues. Pre-order accounting ...


Tesla swamped with 276,000 Model 3 orders in 3 days. Elon Musk


Thought it would slow way down today, but Model 3 order count is now at 198k. Recommend ordering soon, as the wait time is growing rapidly.


This included approximately 50,900 Model 3 and 12,100 Model S and X.

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