Your estimated delivery timing will be available in your Tesla
Your estimated delivery timing will be available in your Tesla
Order and Delivery - Model 3 | Tesla
As you design your Model 3, you will see an estimated delivery timing. Your
delivery appointment date may vary depending on your location and
configuration ...
Just purchased my first Tesla (Model Y) and very excited. Estimated delivery says 3-6 weeks. Can anyone confirm the accuracy of this?
If you want to price out your Model 3 in advance of configurating you can checkout my calculator here. Here's the ...
What is the estimated delivery date of the Model 3? At this point, it's hard to say. Tesla offers an estimated delivery date calculator on its website ...
To assert the potential delivery date, the estimator factors in details such as date of reservation, exact Model 3 variation you ordered, preferred ...
Bloomberg News is asking Tesla Model 3 owners about initial customer
Tesla's Model 3 delivery estimator indicates that the original Oct – Dec 2017 delivery date has been pushed back to to Nov – Jan 2018.
On its website, if you custom build a Model 3, the "Estimated Delivery" is "Within 2 Weeks". Everyone on this forum knows that is a false...
Teslanomics built a Model 3 delivery estimate calculator that takes