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Tesla Space Car Tracker : Useful Links


But where is this vehicle? The current location is 26,401,523 miles (42,489,145 km, 0.284 AU, 2.36 light minutes) from Earth, moving ...


The Tesla travelogue has the car's location, as of Wednesday afternoon (Feb. 21) , at about 2.8 million miles (4.5 million kilometers, or 0.030 ...


A website called Where Is Roadster is tracking Elon Musk's Tesla Roadster in space. · The site, not affiliated with SpaceX, estimates that the car is ...


Pinch or expand the display until the orbits of the inner planets out to Mars are clearly shown. Next, open the Search menu, and type "Tesla." ...


After the launch, Pearson started modeling where the car could be in space, but his calculations didn't match the orbit Musk had released. How ...


It's been a long, strange trip. · The car has a fuel economy of 8,109.4 miles per gallon, according to Where's Roadster. · We don't know if the battery ...


See live orbital position of Elon Musk's Tesla Roadster and the Starman. This interactive simulation displays Tesla's location in space in real-time using the latest ...


Elon Musk's red Tesla Roadster that was launched into space by SpaceX's


It is the first production car launched into space and first to orbit the sun.


Musk launching a car into space with a test dummy in it once again showed his ...

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