You can request a touchless test drive online and a Tesla Advisor will
contact you
Note that referrals cannot be added after an order is placed or at time of ...
If your local store has used vehicles available for a test drive, a Tesla Advisor can
Schedule a Touchless Test Drive. The new default for a zero-contact experience. Learn more online to prepare for your self-guided appointment. Drivers must ...
The resulting value is based on market data and internal Tesla product
knowledge. Non-Tesla trade-in values are provided based on market data
utilizing ...
Tesla Test Drives Not Resulting In Orders : Useful Links
I do recall not canceling my order as a result of the test drives, but did find that time slowed down, at least until the pickup date. Time slowed ...
Test drives not available in the model 3 one year ago when I
Tesla Owners Are Offering Test Drives to Potential Buyers Amid
As a result, Tesla and our supplier network will continue operations that directly
Tesla won't accept any orders that way in the coming months.