Please allow extra time after the expected delivery date before contacting the seller to let them know that your item hasn't arrived yet. Are you a seller looking to ...
You cannot assume that one seller is going to be like the next.
Choose the item you'd like to ship and select Print shipping label.
Describe it as if there are no pictures.
Delivery methods from eBay vary depending on where the eBay seller is physically located.
Once the shipment arrives at our facility, the tracking status will be updated." However, it does say: Scheduled Delivery Thursday, 09/11/2014, By End of Day.
The tracking information for the parcel says that it was “delivered” some time ago, but the buyer
freight aboard their trailers there are some occasions when a shipment may arrive to the
accurately and feedback left before the item is received may result in a delay.
delivered to his address and like I said, worse case scenario is that he leaves a