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Tie Xi Qu: West Of The Tracks Online : Useful Links


Tie Xi Qu: West of Tracks” is an astonishingly intimate record of China's painful transition from state-run industry to a free market.


Directed by Bing Wang. The impact of the decline of heavy industry on workers and their families in the Tiexi district of Shenyang, China, at the turn of the 21st ...


Tie Xi Qu [West of the Tracks]. Watertown: Documentary Educational Resources, Inc., 2003. 35 mm, 554 min. https://youtu.be/1_z4BTaTRko. Tie Xi is a massive ...


Over 9 hours long, the film consists of three parts: "Rust," "Remnants" and "Rails." Tie Xi Qu was filmed over the course of two years between 1999 and 2001 and ...


Synopsis. 9 hour long film that details the slow decline of Shenyang's industrial Tiexi district, an area that was once a vibrant example of China's socialist economy ...


Tie Xi Qu: West of the Tracks. A documentary by Wang Bing. Nov 7, 2018, 10 AM –8 PM. COL-CIN. Free and open to the public. Tie Xi Qu: West of the Tracks ...


West of the Tracks is a cinematic document about the collapse of the industrial complex Tie Xi Qu at the end of the 20th and the beginning of ...


Wang Bing''s. Tie Xi Qu: West of the Tracks. May 24–25, 2004. MoMA. Film series . As a special sidebar to the 15th-anniversary tribute to The Hubert Bals Fund, ...


This box contains the impressive nine-hour documentary Tie Xi Qu: West of the Tracks by Wang Bing. In three parts, Rust, Remnants and Rails, Chinese director  ...

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