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Van Benthem Higher Order Logic : Useful Links


Review: Johan van Benthem, Kees Doets, Higher-order Logic. J. Symbolic Logic 54 (1989), no. 3, 1090--1092. https://projecteuclid.org/euclid.jsl/1183743044 ...


J. Barwise and J. van Benthem. Interpolation, preservation, and pebble games. Technical Report ML-96–12, ILLC, 1996. To appear in Journal of Symbolic Logic.


JOHAN VAN BENTHEM AND KEES DOETS. HIGHER-ORDER LOGIC. INTRODUCTION. What is nowadays the central part of any introduction to logic, and ...


This entry is not archived by us. If you are the author and have permission from the publisher, we recommend that you archive it. Many publishers automatically ...


Higher-Order Logic. Authors; Authors and affiliations. Johan Van Benthem; Kees Doets.


Johan van Benthem and Kees Doets. Higher-order logic. Handbook of philosophica logic, Volume I, Elements of classical logic, edited by D. Gabbay and F.


VAN BENTHEM and K. DOETS [1983] give a transla- tion of a restricted higher order logic without function symbols and without higher order constants and identi-.


Johan van Benthem and Kees Doets. Higher-order logic. Handbook of philosophica logic, Volume I, Elements of classical logic, edited by D.


higher-order logics – and as we shall see, also in natural language. Thus, modern logic provides the right forms for the above family of inferences 4, and it backs ...

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