Scary that they can track all this with just your credit card. Edit: Words are hard. Also to clarify this was purchases made in every WalMart store I visited. Not all ...
A new patent application from Walmart shows how the retailer can use
My only guess how they were able to accomplish this is that perhaps I used the same credit card for my 1 online purchase as I have in the brick & mortar stores.
We have long known that Walmart is tracking your purchases, and that
The Merchant can track purchases made with that card within their store(s), but not those made at other, unconnected stores. Be aware that ...
If shoppers are browsing the electronics section without buying anything, it might amp up its promotions in that aisle. Walmart/USPTO.
The WSJ goes on to say that if the RFID test is successful, Wal-Mart will roll
They were created for Walmart to track customers and purchases.
everywhere Visa® debit cards are accepted in the U.S.; No overdraft fees !3
It will allow its shoppers to pay with any major credit card, debit card or Walmart gift card