Does Walmart cash money orders?
Can I get a refund for my money order if I no longer need it?
Where In Wal Mart Do You Go For Money Orders : Useful Links
A Walmart money order is essentially a prepaid check or bank certificate. To get a money order, you pay the amount of the money order to the ...
You'll get a better deal at Walmart or a money transfer agent, and you'll typically pay more at a bank.
With Walmart, you can send and receive money, pay bills, and purchase ...
Money orders also have the advantage that if they do happen to go astray, ...
¹ Walmart money orders can be convenient because they can be done
The services will include domestic and international money transfers,
But are Walmart?s money transfer services reliable?
By the time you try to get the money back from the money transfer
You can add money to the card through direct deposit; by reloading it at