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Return Policy | Wayfair

You can return most items for a refund or store credit within 30 days of delivery. Return shipping costs apply, and the item must be in its original condition and ...

Refusing Furniture Delivery Wayfair : Useful Links


Item shipped out this AM. I received email that buyer made a mistake and wants me to cancel. Seems refusing delivery would be the easiest ...


I would strongly recommend not shopping online at Wayfair. Their customer


Has anyone refused delivery and received a refund that way?


Employees of online furniture retailer Wayfair are planning to walk out of their jobs Wednesday to protest the company's refusal to stop selling ...


I refuse to continue to reach out to the manufacturer when in fact Wayfair is the


Can you refuse the sofa when/if it arrives and have the carrier return it to Wayfair? I went to their website and every sofa that I see says free shipping. Did they tell ...

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