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Return Policy | Wayfair

Any outbound shipping charges collected on the order will not be refunded. This includes: $4.99 shipping charge for orders under $35. Upgraded shipping ...

Wayfair Order Cancellation Policy : Useful Links


Refund policy doesn't mention anything about this nor do I see a cancellation policy anywhere. I see tons of people complaining online about the customer service ...


You can only cancel an order before it ships from "My Orders." If you do miss this opening, you should return your order within 30 days of delivery. However, not all  ...


If you are using a 4 x 6 thermal packing slip, there are options to include the return policy, location notes, barcode etc. Cancelling a Wayfair order.


Cancelled order at Wayfair web site. Received auto responder email stating they received the cancellation request. Sunday, July 16 12:22 PM


In order to resolve this issue, we have stepped outside of our policy and


immediately after submitting, I saw something off so I right away contacted them to cancel shipment of one of the items.

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