... the same: Formula to combine last name and first name with comma
To combine first and last names, use the CONCATENATE function or the ampersand
I want to concatenate 3 columns in SQL server as below: ...
How to split first and last names into separate cells with Excel tricks or formulas. ... cell contents into separate columns, based on the position of the comma.
The below method may seem quite complicated, but it does make adding or removing columns much simpler, and for
include the comma, SQL Server assumes you want a new column name for pub_name.
Mix of individual strings or a single-column table of strings.
then by Surname, then by Firstname (if you want the order reversed, wrap the variable
Says you have a name roster with listing first names and last names separately in two columns, now you want to create a full name list by combining the two ...
If you wanted the surname first, you can join the cells by placing a comma and then a