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Commando Order Rommel : Useful Links


The Commando Order (German: Kommandobefehl) was issued by the OKW, the high command of the German armed forces, on 18 October 1942. This order ...


'It was Rommel who burned the Commando Order issued by Hitler on 28 October 1942, which laid down that all enemy soldiers encountered behind the ...


The most significant consequence of the British commando raid on the occupied ... Island of Sark, was the Commando Order (Kommandobefehl), issued by Hitler. ... While some German officers, most notably Rommel, ignored the Order, others ...


He also disregarded an order directing German generals to execute Allied commandos caught behind enemy lines. In the end, Rommel fled all ...


The order was given as a retaliation to perceived slights to the Allies' breach of the Geneva contentions. In other words, “Someone broke the rules, therefore we  ...


The order was to execute any Allied commando prisoner caught in the act of a raid, sabotage, or acting as a foreign agent even if they were in ...


being one of the German commanders who disobeyed the commando order.


They received a special status that was called "Military Interned" and indicated worse treatment, including forced labor in work and concentration ...


Just over 75 years ago in Ulm Germany a car pulled up to the residence of Field Marshal Erwin Rommel. In the car was the driver and two ...


Erwin Rommel was a German army officer who rose to the rank of Field Marshal. ... It is true that he flatly refused to carry out several criminal orders issued by his ...

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