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When To Use Commas With In Order To : Useful Links


I would not use a comma in any of these sentences, because there is no subordinate clause, appositive, or other special situation calling for a ...


4. Use commas before and after non-essential elements (parts of the sentence providing information that is not essential in order to understand its ...


The reason both sentences seem somehow off is not so much a matter of punctuation as it is a problem of dangling modifiers. “The two initial ...


To fix these comma splices, you can do one of four simple things: just add FANBOYS, change the comma to a semicolon, make each clause a separate sentence, ...


When you use "in order to ..." clause at the beginning, you'd better use a comma before starting the main clause.


The rulebooks tell us to put commas between coordinate adjectives, but it is not always easy to tell when adjectives are coordinate. Find out how to use commas  ...


If the adjectives are all being used to describe the noun (aka coordinate adjectives), commas should separate them. Using “and” is a good test to ...


EXAMPLES: Any of these can be put into sentence form. The important things to remember about using commas in series are these ...


he said that we need to add a comma between Coordinate Adjectives. I am confused, could someone help me explain these two questions, please? Thanks! Reply.


Put it away! Please leave the bar if you're going to use improper grammar. However, a comma is needed when a sentence begins with a dependent clause  ...

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