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Pathogens That Need Living Cells In Order To Reproduce Are : Useful Links


Viruses are tiny infectious agents that rely on living cells to multiply. They may use an animal, plant, or bacteria host to survive and reproduce.


smallest of pathogens. single unit of genetic material in a protein shell. need living cells in order to reproduce. able to change on their own. antibiotics will not kill.


Answer and Explanation: Pathogens that need living cells in order to reproduce are viruses. A virus is a pathogenic agent that cannot multiply or reproduce outside ...


tiny particles, smaller than bacteria and other pathogens, which must invade living cells in order to reproduce; when they invade, the cells are damaged or ...


It contains about 1013 human cells and also about 1014 bacterial, fungal, and


Viruses can only live for a very short time outside other living cells. For example ...


... parasitic, because they all need a living host cell in order to replicate. Once they bind to living cells and get taken up, they can use a host's cellular


non-living as they only reproduce, and require a host cell in order to do this.


tiny , one-celled creatures that get nutrients from their environments in order to live.

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