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Nfl Wins Pool Draft Order : Useful Links


Ah. A wins pool. That sounds nice. The rules? Ten participants each pick three different NFL teams — using a unique draft order, which ...


For example, if you have 6 people in your pool you could each draft 5 teams. Determine draft order. You can draw names from a hat and then use ...


I am going to do a 6 team NFL wins pool this upcoming football season and I am looking to create the most fair draft order. With 6 players ...


At the end of the season, the person whose teams had the most combined victories wins the pool. So it's like fantasy football? Kind of. You don't have to worry ...


The rules are simple: You and 9 friends will each "draft" three teams -- leaving two behind -- and whoever's three teams have the most combined ...


... arrange a snake draft order. You each draft NFL teams as though they were players attempting to get the teams with the highest win total from ...


Years ago, Grantland developed a NFL Wins Pool.


For the NFL Family Pool, the draft order is determined using a draw of cards - Ace through 8.

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