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Wine Track Candidates : Useful Links


The wine track candidates have drawn support primarily from well-educated, financially comfortable white voters, many of whom identify as ...


Democratic professionals often describe this sorting as a competition between upscale “wine track” candidates and blue-collar “beer track” ...


I tend to be of the opinion that the whole "wine track/beer track" divide


Wine-track Democrats have traditionally supported reform-minded liberals such as Gary Hart and Paul Tsongas. Beer-track Democrats have ...


Warren, on the other hand, is a “wine track” candidate whose appeal is concentrated among college-educated whites: the kind of Democratic ...


I've said this before and I'll say this again: the last successful Democratic candidate who had an actual story to tell about American politics and the ...


She was the “wine track” candidate. There is a long tradition of lefty candidates running in the Democratic primary and getting a lot of traction, ...


I highly recommend bossman Harold Meyerson's column today, in which he fits Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama into the old beer track/wine ...


But a wine-tracker isn't a rich Democrat who loses elections. It's someone who appeals to upscale voters. The beer-track candidate is the one ...

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